Vzhľadom na obmedzený čas, ktorý je nám smrteľníkom pridelený na počúvanie hudby začnem nahrávkami, ktoré ma najviac oslovili a ktoré som počúval najčastejšie: Acanthus, The Liminanas, James Blake, Polymer Slug, Tristan Perich, VA Psych Funk Sa-Re-Ga! Aesthetic Expressions of Psychedelic Funk Music In India 1970-1983.
Acanthus - Le Frisson Des Vampires (2010, Finders Keepers)
Milované vydavateľstvo Finders Keepers hľadá a vydáva klenoty (mimochodom teraz nedávno vydali soundtrack k Saxane). Pochmúrny soundtrack k vampírskemu filmu z roku 1971 - výkriky, zvony, úryvky a psych-rock.
The Liminanas - The Liminanas (2010, Trouble In Mind)
Francúzsky dievčenský garážový pop. Mojej slabosti pre Yé-yé je učinené zadosť snahami občerstviť zvuk.
James Blake - James Blake (2011, Atlas)
Každým počinom sa James Blake zjavoval výraznejšie a čistejšie. Prvý singel z debutového albumu - coververzia skladby Limit to your Love od Feist - dobíja srdcia a nebude tomu inak i pri celom albume.
Polymer Slug - Simple Displays Of Control c50 (2010, Digitalis Limited)
Táto hudba je ako živé tekuté prostredie na posluchový ponor.
Polymer Slug–[05.01.10] draft_2 from Grant Nitsch on Vimeo.
Tristan Perich - 1-Bit Symphony (2010, Cantaloupe)
O 1-Bit Symphony viem už dlhšie, konečne som si ju mohol vypočuť. Je to intenzívny zážitok. Zaujímavé je tiež, že je vo forme mikročipu, ktorý naživo hudbu vytvára/vykonáva.
VA - Psych Funk Sa-Re-Ga! Aesthetic Expressions of Psychedelic Funk Music In India 1970-1983 (2010, World Psychedelic Funk Classics)
Výberovka indického 70s psych-funku, soundtrack k bollywoodskej verzii Pulp Fiction.
Varovanie: zahltenie je vhodne zvolené kľúčové slovo, nasledujú: Brandt Brauer Frick, Gatekeeper, Gurun Gurun, Hype Williams, Ilyas Ahmed, Jon Mueller, Marc Ribot, Marcus Fisher, Marcus Fjellström, Marika Papagika, Mark Fell, Mattijs de Regt & Jorge San Martin, Noah Creshevsky, Part Timer, Sean McCann, Siskiyou, Tennis, The Do, The Equatics, The Go Team, Third Eye Foundation, Thomas Fehlmann, Tristan Perich, rozšírené verzie albumov od Daníela Bjarnason a Forest Swords, výberovky Baby, How Can It Be - Songs Of Love, Lust And Contempt From The 1920s And 1930s, Ethnic Minority Music Of Northwest Xinjiang, China, Night Slugs Allstars Vol 1.
Brandt Brauer Frick - You Make Me Real (2010, K7)
Steve Reich sa stretol s Theom Parrishom a Matthewom Herbertom v Berghainskom filharmonickom orchestri / contemporary classical techno.
Bvdub - The Art Of Dying Alone (2010, Glacial Movements)
Jednoduché a silné.
Daníel Bjarnason - Processions + Bonus Tracks (2010, Bedroom Community)
Do zoznamu mien: Ben Frost, Nico Muhly, Sam Amidon, Valgeir Sigurðsson si pripíšte Daníel Bjarnason. Vydavateľstvo Bedroom Community netriafa vedľa.
Forest Swords - Dagger Paths Expanded Edition (2010, No Pain in Pop)
Nielen kvôli tomu, že v expanded edition má skladba Hjurt krásny remix od Pariah.
Destroyer - Kaputt (2011, Merge)
Už len kvôli klipu :)
Eklin - Onwa (2010, Lowin)
Sympatický pop/ambient.
Foxes In Fiction - Swung From The Branches (2010, Moodgadget)
Most of these songs are tracks that arose from restlessness, breaks between classes, insomnia and 5 AM isolation while in my in my apartment in Toronto. A couple of them are reworkings of old tracks that...I felt would be fitting on this release.
Gatekeeper - Giza (2010, Merok)
Inspired by the sounds and visions of forgotten sci-fi film scores, fantasy games and arcade imagery, Gatekeeper has created its own morbidly deranged discotheque, a vivid flight of fancy in which the conventions of techno, Chicago house, italo-disco and industrial are transfigured into one phantasmagorical adventure, populated by hushed screams, Gregorian dungeon chants and cinematic washes of mammoth sound.
Greie Gut Fraktion - Baustelle (2010, Monika)
Skvelá kombinácia Antye Greie (AGF) a Gudrun Gut (ex-Einstürzende Neubauten).
Gurun Gurun - Gurun Gurun (2010, Home Normal)
Jarovi Trnovskému z Miou Miou sa podarilo pre album Électronique MiouMixes zložiť neuveriteľnú zostavu remixérov. Gurun Gurun je jeho nový projekt, kde mu hosťujú Moskitoo z 12k a Sawako z Flau, znie to ako japonská twinkletronica.
Hauschka - Foreign Landscapes (2010, 130701)
Nový album od Hauschka, viac sláčikov, menej klavíru.
Ilyas Ahmed - Between Two Skies-Towards The Night (2010, Digitalis)
Reedícia dvoch nahrávok od Ilyasa Ahmeda, ktoré vyšli pôvodne v náklade po 50 kusov.
Jon Mueller - The Whole (2010, Type)
Jon Mueller je bubeník, alebo avant-perkusionista, ktorý hral s Bon Iverom, Collections of Colonies of Bees, Volcano Choir. Whole je jeho debut pre Type.
Marc Ribot - Silent Movies (2010, Pi)
Pokojný gitarový soundtrack k imaginárnym filmom.
Marcus Fisher - Monocoastal (2010, 12k)
Washes of tape hiss play homage to the Pacific Ocean, while multiple layers of details reveal themselves differently upon each listen. Tiny sounds originate from field recordings and are given the same attention as conventional instrumentation. Found instruments--such as a piano discovered in the corner of a salvage warehouse and a xylophone made of metal wrenches--create sounds captured through both analog and digital recording.Marcus Fjellström - Schattenspieler (2010, Miasmah)
The album opens with some weary strings, suffused in vinyl crackle and distortion, while strange noises rumble in the shadows behind. We are unmistakeably back once again deep into Miasmah territory.
Marika Papagika - The Further the Flame, the Worse It Burns Me (2010, Mississippi Records)
Jedna z hlavných predstaviteliek gréckeho folku z počiatku 20. storočia - rembetika.
Mark Fell - Multistability (2010, Raster Noton)
Mark Fell známy tiež ako polovica SND, skvelé minimalistické techno podobne ako Atavism.
Mark Pritchard - Elephant Dub/Heavy as Stone (2010, Deep Medi)
Singel Heavy as Stone ma dostal.
Mattijs de Regt & Jorge San Martin - Soles Of Ethiopia OST (2010, HapSlik)
Krásny jednoduchý soundtrack k dokumentu o topánkach v Etiópii.
Noah Creshevsky - The Twilight Of The Gods (2010, Tzadik)
Jazzové hyperkoláže a iné. Našiel som len ukážku z dávneho diela.
Part Timer - Real To Reel (2010, Lost Tribe Sound)
The music of Part Timer has a rare kind of stillness and beauty, an ambient pastoral folk that evokes sunshine glistening through dew on a cold winters morning.
Sean McCann - Leave Today (2010, Roll Over Rover)
Sean McCann má mnoho ambientných albumov a tento môže slúžiť ako vstupný k jeho tvorbe.
Siskiyou - Siskiyou (2010, Constellation)
Siskiyou je nová skupina bývalého člena Great Lake Swimmers.
Tennis - Cape Dory (2011, Fat Possum)
K skupine Tennis je i príbeh o tom ako Patrick a Alaina predali svoje materiálne statky a vyrazili na more. Letný fuzz beach pop, kamarát s Best Coast.
The Do - Slippery slope (2011, Get down)
Trochu mi asociujú Knife a Lykke Li, i keď ostatné skladby sú popovejšie.
The Equatics - Doin It!!!! (2010, Now-Again)
70s funk/soul.
The Go! Team - Rolling Blackouts (2011, Memphis Industries)
Chýba tu niekomu energia?
Third Eye Foundation - The Dark (2010, Ici DAilleurs)
Matt Elliott oživil po dlhej dobe Third Eye Foundation aby mal kde vydať nazhromaždené atmosféry a frenetické beaty.
Thomas Fehlmann – Gute Luft (2010, Kompakt)
Soundtrack k dokumentu 24h Berlin.
Gute Luft finds him recombining material into something approaching his “ideal” edit of the soundtrack, designed, in his own words, to make you “feel at peace with you and your environment, inspire you to lush, imaginative dinners, make babies, or just walk your own way with open eyes”.
VA - Baby, How Can It Be - Songs Of Love, Lust And Contempt From The 1920s And 1930s (2010, Dust-To-Digital)
Heneghan wisely opts to skip most of the "serious" artists from the era and instead plunges headlong into the most satisfying examples of hillbilly kitsch, Hawaiiana, casual racism, yodeling, clumsy lewdness, and spectacular poor taste that the '20s and '30s had to offer.
VA - Ethnic Minority Music Of Northwest Xinjiang, China (2010, Sublime Frequencies)
Armed with their trusty audio gear, the couple was set on getting married and recording various styles of regional ethnic music near the Chinese border with KazakhstanVA - Night Slugs Allstars Vol 1 (2010, Night Slugs)
Skvelá výberovka pre hudobných terminológov britského kontinua tanečnej hudby.
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