Monday, August 11, 2014

WPP Atticus Awards 2014 Winners

WPP Atticus Awards are awards to "honour original thinking in communications services and are open exclusively to professionals working in WPP companies". Bottom line is that it's fresh marketing reads. Here is the list with links to full text articles.

Monday, June 16, 2014

ELCAF 2014: Twitter list

Last Saturday I have been to East London Comics & Arts Festival and after marveling at the plenitude of talent in the packed Oval Space I continued in this activity digitally - going through artists websites and looking on their social media presence. It seems that most favourite medium of choice is Twitter (with Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, & Pinterest being utilized less consistently). I have put them together in an ELCAF 2014 Twitter list.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - The Watchers (2013, Important Records)

Lubomyr Melnyk and James Blackshaw are musicians with recognizable and kindred styles of how they play their instruments. Lubomyr Melnyk plays notes on grand piano rapidly but softly, sustained, creating overtonal hum from which melodic layer emerges. James Blackshaw's style of playing his 12-string guitar has two strands to it - one is Takoma inspired finger-picking and second is overtonal tinkling - which together in long-form compositions give it the same feeling of perpetualness as can be found in Lubomyr Melnyk's music. One day they have met in The Vortex Jazz Café and stayed there for six hours improvising music together. The Watchers is a result of this meeting.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bibliography of videos about file-sharing, copyright, intellectual property and remix culture (Version 0.1)

The new media have changed how the works of art are both created and distributed. The computer as a convergent tool of production has lowered the barriers for creative expression through sampling, remixing, creating derivative works, translations,... and the process of distribution has been changed massively by the wide-spread internet and by near-zero price of copying and sharing digital files, ease of global spread and emerging sharing communities.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Tri videá pre podujatie vydavateľstva Lom

V spolupráci s Jonášom z Lomu sme vytvorili reklamnú kampaň - sériu troch videí - pre podujatie, ktoré organizuje 25.2. 2013 vo Fuge v Bratislave.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Hĺbková sonda do populárneho filmového torrentového trackeru

Vyšiel mi článok v českom filmovom časopise Cinepur č. 84 (2012), Hĺbková sonda do populárneho filmového torrentového trackeru, kde som sa venoval zdieľaniu filmov na vybranom súkromnom filmovom torrentovom serveri. Vzhľadom na to, že Cinepur je na pomedzí odborného a esejistického štýlu, snažil som sa tomu trochu kostrbato prispôsobiť.
Disclaimer: Niektoré časti článku sú v chladnej surovej (nečitateľnej? :) podobe , ktorú som sa chystal skrášliť, ale aj keď som článok poslal pred uzávierkou na pripomienkovanie, bol publikovaný viacmenej tak, ako som ho zaslal. Pridal som zopár ilustračných obrázkov a doplnil odkazy na články, ktoré som sa chystal doplniť počas imaginárnej korekcie (spoznateľné podľa značky [x]).

Sunday, December 23, 2012